XXIV RedLAC Congress in Quito, a meeting point for environmental conservation in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Network of Environmental Funds of Latin America and the Caribbean (RedLAC) began the XXIV RedLAC Congress, overcoming the two years that face-to-face meetings were replaced by virtual meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, RedLAC members met again in Quito, Ecuador, to promote the interrelationships of environmental funds.
Overcoming the challenges of the pandemic
This year will feature the participation of diverse actors from the environmental and sustainable development sector in Latin America and the Caribbean, along with the leaders of the different environmental funds that will share a series of keynote lectures, panels and workshops to exchange ideas, visions and opportunities in the world of conservation.
The different initiatives led by the region's environmental funds will have the opportunity to generate synergies and establish alliances to maintain the regional and global impact of conservation actions.
For the organization of this congress, the Environmental Investment Fund of El Salvador (FIAES) has an outstanding participation through the executive director Jorge Oviedo, who also chairs RedLAC, a key responsibility for the development of activities and the consolidation of the commitment of each of the funds that are part of the network, which will allow them to meet the goals of environmental restoration.
The Sustainable Environmental Investment Fund (FIAS) of Ecuador, as host, is also developing the coordination and logistics of the different activities that will be carried out as part of the congress.
The Network of Environmental Funds of Latin America and the Caribbean (RedLAC) initiated the realization of the XXIV RedLAC Congress, overcoming the two years that the presence was replaced by virtuality due to the pandemic of COVID-19. This year, RedLAC members met again in Quito, Ecuador, to promote the interrelationships of environmental funds.
Overcoming the challenges of the pandemic
This year will feature the participation of various actors from the environmental and sustainable development sector in Latin America and the Caribbean, along with the leaders of the different environmental funds that will share a series of keynote lectures, panels and workshops to exchange ideas, visions and opportunities in the world of conservation.
The different initiatives led by the region's environmental funds will have the opportunity to generate synergies and establish alliances to maintain the regional and global impact of conservation actions.
For the organization of this congress, the Environmental Investment Fund of El Salvador (FIAES) has an outstanding participation through the executive director Jorge Oviedo, who also chairs RedLAC, a key responsibility for the development of the activities and the consolidation of the commitment of each of the funds that are part of the network, which will allow them to meet the goals of environmental restoration.
The Sustainable Environmental Investment Fund (FIAS) of Ecuador, as host, is also developing the coordination and logistics of the different activities that will be carried out as part of the congress.
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