Support to indigenous communities: Yerba Mate as an engine for change in the San Rafael - Tekoha Guasu Reserve, Paraguay.

Growing a sustainable future from the ground up with the help of FCBT!

In an innovative twist that resonates with hope, the project "Support to Indigenous Communities in the production of yerba mate in the San Rafael - Tekoha Guasu National Park Reserve", implemented by the Tropical Forest Conservation Fund of Paraguay (FCBT), stands as a beacon of light in the midst of environmental and cultural challenges. Through the synergy between yerba mate production and reforestation, this project not only preserves biodiversity, but also empowers and strengthens the indigenous communities involved.

From the extensive yerba mate leaves to the deep roots of the ancestral culture, this inspiring video tells the exciting story behind the planting of yerba mate in the communities of Tekoha Tapy Savy, Tekoha Pykasui and Taguato Sauco. A bold step towards sustainable development, this project not only focuses on yerba mate cultivation, but also strives to improve production practices and responsible consumption.

Video produced by FCBT

This exciting journey not only drives sustainable development, but also reflects the power of community collaboration. With the support of the project implemented by the FCBT, approximately 70 families from the selected indigenous communities are reaping the benefits of their joint efforts. The planting of 15,000 yerba mate seedlings is just the beginning, as forestry tools, soil preparation and the promotion of self-consumption become essential pillars of this transformative initiative.

The project also stands out for its comprehensive commitment to the well-being of the communities involved. In addition to the contribution to production and the environment, the project executed by the FCBT has provided training and technical assistance, thus enhancing local skills in yerba mate production. The hiring of two indigenous technical facilitators not only boosts the project, but also reaffirms the commitment to the preservation of cultural identity.

The positive impacts of this project are remarkable, transcending the limits of the communities. It is not just about growing yerba mate, but about cultivating an enriching, sustainable and autonomous future. This exemplary effort, executed by the FCBT, embodies the values of sustainable development, cultural respect and community collaboration that should inspire everyone.

With the horizon full of possibilities, this project executed by the FCBT reminds us that even in challenging moments, the seeds of change can germinate and flourish, generating a lasting impact.

To learn more about FCBT's work, visit:

Pablo Alexander Portillo
RedLAC Communications Coordinator

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