"Moving Towards a Sustainable Industry: Prominent Leaders and Experts Gather at the Regional Environmental Sustainability Congress 2023."

The Salvadoran Association of Industrialists inaugurated the Regional Congress on Environmental Sustainability CRESA 2023: "Developing a Sustainable Industry for the People", from May 17 to 19. The main objective of this event is to promote the development of sustainability, the efficient use of natural resources, circular economy and the exchange of experiences among various international organizations.

The Congress provides a space for the discussion and analysis of important topics related to the sustainable management of water resources, the reduction of greenhouse gases, air quality and the efficient management of waste and residues. During the event, there are keynote speeches, lectures, master classes, forums, podcasts, networking areas and an exhibition of business and financial products and services.

Jorge Oviedo, President of RedLAC (Latin American and Caribbean Network of Environmental Funds) and Executive Director of FIAES (Environmental Investment Fund of El Salvador), recognized for his extensive experience and leadership in the field of environmental conservation and sustainability, will present keynote lectures on innovative strategies for the conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems in El Salvador and the region, as well as Green Finance: success stories for the sustainable management of ecosystems.

In addition to Jorge Oviedo, other prominent international speakers include Thales Pansa de Paula, Business Sector Director, Latin America of the World Economic Forum; Dr. Matthew Konfirst, U.S. Climate Coordinator at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Dr. Carlos Rodriguez Franco, Senior Forester at USDA/Forestry Service; Sherif Kinawy of KPMG Canada; and Jair Urriola, Executive Secretary of the Executive Secretariat of the Central American Commission on Environment and Forestry; and Sherif Kinawy of KPMG Canada. Carlos Rodríguez Franco, Senior Forester at USDA/Forestry Service; Sherif Kinawy of KPMG Canada; and Jair Urriola, Executive Secretary of the Executive Secretariat of the Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD/SICA), among other experts from different parts of the world and El Salvador.

CRESA is a space to learn about best practices and trends in corporate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting, as well as tools for corporate climate risk management and coastal-marine resource management.

The active participation of recognized experts and the collaboration between different actors, both nationally and internationally, demonstrate the region's commitment to addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainable development. In addition, the Earth Trust Awards, which honor exemplary individuals and companies for their leadership in environmental protection, will be presented at the congress.

In this activity, in the intervention of Engineer Jorge Ovedio, he highlighted the work of the 27 Environmental Funds, members of RedLAC, so that the business sector interested in promoting sustainability could learn about them. He emphasized that RedLAC provides the opportunity to establish strategic alliances with an expanded scope, which has strengthened its position as the undisputed leader in this field, with the Environmental Funds being an alternative for the business sector in the area of sustainability. In addition, it has highlighted its ability to generate collaborations that transcend traditional boundaries, thus enhancing the impact of sustainable practices.

The Regional Environmental Sustainability Congress, with its focus on creating a sustainable industry, provides a vital space for the exchange of knowledge and experiences, contributing to the generation of innovative solutions and sustainable practices. During the event, key topics such as the implementation of circular economy strategies, the adoption of measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the strengthening of water resource management are addressed.

CRESA2023 is highlighted by the active participation of international and national experts who share their knowledge and experience in various areas related to sustainability. These leaders provide valuable perspectives on current and future challenges, as well as innovative solutions being implemented around the world.

During the congress, best practices and trends in corporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting are explored, reflecting the growing importance of sustainability in business. Experts, such as Sherif Kinawy of KPMG Canada, share insights on how companies can integrate environmental, social and governance considerations into their strategy and operations to create long-term value and generate a positive impact on society and the environment.

In addition, topics related to corporate climate risk management and the importance of developing strategies to face the challenges arising from climate change are addressed. Experts such as Edgar Hernán Cruz, Climate Ambition and Transparency Program Officer of UN Environment's Climate Change Unit, share their experience in climate risk management and highlight the need for companies to adopt proactive approaches to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

The Regional Congress on Environmental Sustainability also highlights the importance of proper management of coastal-marine resources, with a watershed-to-sea approach, to prevent pollution and protect marine biodiversity. Experts such as Jair Urriola, Executive Secretary of the Executive Secretariat of the Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD/SICA), share knowledge on best practices and strategies to ensure the sustainability of marine ecosystems in the Central American and Caribbean region.

This is an important event that brings together prominent leaders and experts, including Engineer Jorge Oviedo, to discuss and address environmental challenges and promote the adoption of sustainable practices in the industry. Through conferences, panel discussions and networking spaces, this congress becomes a catalyst for knowledge sharing, collaboration and the creation of innovative solutions that drive sustainable and environmentally responsible development.

Pablo Alexander Portillo
RedLAC Communications Coordinator
pablo.portillo@fiaes.org.sv pablo.portillo@fiaes.org.sv

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