From water to flight: Foragua and Aves y Conservación spread their wings in southern Ecuador to save birds.

In a momentous meeting, Francisco Gordillo, Executive Director of FORAGUA, met with the Executive Director of Aves y Conservación, Juan Carlos Valarezo to explore the great opportunities that await southern Ecuador, a region blessed with over 1200 identified bird species. With his passion for conservation and innovative vision, Gordillo is leading this exciting project that promises to transform the region into a global example of sustainability.

Foragua, under Gordillo's leadership, has joined with 12 constituent municipalities and other strategic partners to establish new Sustainable Conservation Areas. Their goal is to create spaces where avian biodiversity can thrive and, at the same time, boost local development and community well-being.

But how to finance this important work? This is where the creativity and ingenuity of Foragua and his team come into play. Their bold proposal is to implement an environmental tax on drinking water consumption, an idea that captures the attention and arouses the interest of conservation and sustainability experts.

With this innovative measure, every time citizens use drinking water, they will be contributing directly to the conservation of birds and their ecosystems. This environmental tax would raise $1,000,000.00 dollars a year! A fund destined to strengthen investment plans in the management of protected areas, in collaboration with the municipalities involved.

Gordillo's vision and dedication to bird conservation and nature protection have been key to driving this initiative. His meeting with Avesy Conservación marks a milestone in inter-institutional collaboration and highlights Foragua's commitment to building a more sustainable future.

The south of the country is poised to flourish as a world-class destination for bird and nature lovers, and this is thanks to the vision and leadership of Francisco Gordillo and his team at Foragua. The richness of its avian diversity is an unparalleled treasure that deserves to be protected and used responsibly. It is time to unite in this noble cause and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Keep an eye on this revolutionary initiative led by Foragua! Southern Ecuador is about to become a bird sanctuary and an inspiring example of sustainable conservation. Together, we can make a difference and ensure a prosperous future for our beloved planet.

Discover the power of conservation in action! We invite you to visit the website: and immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Foragua.

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