Success and Cooperation at the XXV RedLAC 2023 Congress in Cusco, Peru.

Cusco, Peru - During the last week, the city of Cusco became the epicenter of a transcendental event for environmental conservation and sustainable development worldwide. The XXV RedLAC Congress brought together more than 350 participants from different parts of the world and stood out as a space for dialogue and exchange of solutions to address the environmental challenges of our time.

One of the most notable aspects of this congress was the international participation, with representatives from all continents, including Africa, where the sister network, CAFÉ (Consortium of African Funds for the Environment), was well represented by members of the neighboring continent's Environmental Funds. This global exchange of ideas and experiences underlines the importance of transnational cooperation in the fight for sustainability.

One of the highlights of the congress was the intervention of Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, CEO of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), who emphasized the relevance of Environmental Funds in the current global scenario. Manuel stated that "Environmental funds are strategic to maintain the financial contribution to the environmental sector. Globally, environmental ministries have been affected by budget cuts. In this situation, environmental funds have allowed us to maintain continued investment in environmental projects to move towards sustainable development." These words resonated throughout the auditorium and reinforced the importance of the work of RedLAC and its members.

Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, CEO of GEF.

"At each edition of our congress, we reaffirm that the power of collaboration and joint action has no limits. RedLAC is a beacon of hope in a world in need of sound environmental solutions. The celebration of our XXV Congress is an opportunity to renew our commitment and continue working together for a more sustainable and equitable future."

Jorge Oviedo, Executive Director of FIAES and President of RedLAC.

It is important to highlight the significant participation of indigenous peoples in the XXV RedLAC 2023 Congress in Cusco, Peru. In an atmosphere of dialogue and collaboration, representatives of indigenous communities played an essential role by joining the thematic rooms of the congress, where fundamental issues in the conservation and protection of the environment were addressed.

During these sessions, indigenous peoples made an important call: not to be seen simply as beneficiaries, but as allies in the cause of environmental conservation. This perspective highlights the need to recognize the rich cultural heritage and traditional knowledge of these communities, who have often lived in harmony with nature for generations. Their active participation and voice at the congress underscores the importance of considering their opinions and experiences in decision-making and implementation of environmental projects.

The inclusion of indigenous peoples in the XXV RedLAC Congress is a reminder that the road to sustainability requires respect and collaboration with all stakeholders, especially those who have demonstrated an ancestral commitment to environmental conservation. This new perspective opens doors to a broader and more enriching cooperation in the search for effective solutions to the environmental challenges of our time.

The congress was attended not only by representatives from different continents, but also with the active participation of the 27 Environmental Funds of Latin America and the Caribbean, which play a crucial role in financing environmental projects in the region. Within the framework of this event, the General Assembly of Members was held, which ratified the inclusion of the Quito Environmental Fund as the 28th member of the Network. This incorporation reinforces the diversity and breadth of the network, further enriching its work on behalf of sustainability.

The congress was not only full of enriching debates and discussions, but also served to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Profonananpe, an institution that has played a crucial role in the success of RedLAC. The celebration was a reminder of the dedication and perseverance needed to promote conservation and sustainability in the region.

In the words of Anton Willems, Executive Director of Profonanpe: "Profonanpe's 30 years are a milestone of perseverance and dedication to the conservation of our environment. Celebrating this anniversary in the framework of the XXV RedLAC Congress in Cusco is a reminder that constant work in favor of the environment can bring significant achievements. Let us move forward with determination, knowing that our efforts are leaving a positive footprint on the planet."

The XXV RedLAC 2023 Congress in Cusco, Peru, was not only an event of discussion and collaboration, but also a celebration of achievements and a reminder of the importance of maintaining the momentum towards sustainability. With this magnificent congress, it is clear that RedLAC and its members continue to be leaders in promoting environmental conservation and sustainable development worldwide.

The highlight of the event was the unveiling of the 2024 Congress site, which will be co-organized by the Caribbean Biodiversity Fund (CBF), The Saint Lucia National Conservation Fund (SLUNCF), RedLAC and FIAES (Fondo de Inversión Ambiental de El Salvador). Saint Lucia, a place of unparalleled beauty and environmental relevance, will host the next congress. This exciting news marks the celebration of RedLAC's 25 years of RedLACthe world's most influential network on sustainability and environmental finance.

Next year, St. Lucia will celebrate 25 years of the world's most impactful network on sustainability and environmental finance issues. A quarter of a century of dedication, collaboration and success that prompts us to look to the future with renewed determination.

In a world where environmental challenges are more pressing than ever, events like the 25th RedLAC Congress demonstrate that, together, we can find solutions, mobilize resources and build a greener, more sustainable future. Global commitment and cooperation are the key, and RedLAC continues to be a beacon of hope and action on this journey. Saint Lucia looks forward to continuing this important work next year.

Pablo Alexander Portillo
RedLAC Communications Coordinator

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