Foragua and REDD+ Plan: An unstoppable tandem in the fight against deforestation in Ecuador

El Pangui, Ecuador - In a significant milestone in the fight against deforestation, Foragua received a visit from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) evaluator. Francisco Gordillo, the GCF's Green Champions, toured the territory where the successful REDD+ Measures and Actions Implementation Plan was implemented in Ecuador. The main objective of this initiative is to reduce carbon emissions from deforestation and environmental degradation.

Foragua, an Ecuadorian organization committed to environmental protection and natural resource conservation, has played a key role in the implementation of this innovative plan. The visit of the GCF evaluator, together with Francisco Gordillo, Executive Director of Foragua, reaffirms the international recognition of the organization's efforts and highlights its leadership in the fight against deforestation in Ecuador.

During his tour, Gordillo had the opportunity to meet with local stakeholders and beneficiaries who played a key role in the success of this initiative. Jairo Bladimir Herrera González, visited sustainable production farms that have managed to strike a balance between agricultural production and ecosystem conservation. These sustainable agricultural practices are an inspiring example of how it is possible to promote economic development without compromising the integrity of our forests.

One of the most outstanding achievements of the REDD+ Plan in El Pangui has been the total restoration of water sources. Through the implementation of a compensation system for environmental services and the application of an environmental fee, the protection and recovery of these vital sources for the community has been ensured. This strategy has not only benefited the local population by guaranteeing access to clean and safe water, but has also strengthened biodiversity conservation and preserved the health of aquatic ecosystems.

Foragua's commitment to environmental conservation has been fundamental to the success of the REDD+ Plan. The organization has been an engine of change by driving the creation of a 37,000-hectare municipal conservation area, established by ordinance in 2018. This protected area has become a safe haven for a diversity of species and has strengthened conservation efforts in the region.

The collaboration between Foragua, the Green Climate Fund and local authorities has demonstrated that the fight against deforestation is possible when different actors join forces. The GCF evaluator's visit highlights the importance of these strategic alliances and underscores the fundamental role that Foragua plays in environmental conservation in Ecuador.

The success of the REDD+ Plan in El Pangui is an inspiring example for other communities and countries seeking effective and sustainable solutions in the fight against deforestation. Foragua's experience and commitment to environmental conservation is a beacon of hope in the fight against deforestation in Ecuador and beyond.

Foragua and the REDD+ Plan show us that deforestation is not a lost battle, but an opportunity to implement innovative and sustainable solutions. Their tireless work invites us to join them in the fight to preserve our forests and protect our planet. Only through collaboration and commitment can we achieve a future where deforestation is only a memory of the past.

Pablo Alexander Portillo
Communications Coordinator of RedLAC

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