Forging a Sustainable Future: Environmental Journalism Congress in El Salvador.

By Alexander Portillo : Date: 7-08-2023

Prominent leaders and experts converge in El Salvador to promote high-impact environmental journalism at the 1st Congress and 5th Workshop, organized by CRS and FIAES, with a focus on urgent environmental conservation.

San Salvador, El Salvador. In an unprecedented synergy of visionary thinkers, innovators and influential communicators, the 1st Congress and 5th Workshop on Environmental Journalism, a momentous platform led by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the Environmental Investment Fund of El Salvador (FIAES), has taken place. This event has brought together leaders and experts who share a common passion for the environment and are committed to driving lasting change in the way the world addresses ecological challenges.

Leadership and vision towards sustainability.

The opening of the congress was marked by the presence of exemplary figures who are determined leaders in the environmental cause. Brenda Urizar, Acting Country Director of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) El Salvador, delivered remarks that resonated with a call to concrete action. Urizar highlighted the urgency of robust and committed environmental journalism, underscoring its power to bring about significant changes in public awareness and decision-making.

Jorge Oviedo, Executive Director of FIAES and President of RedLAC, elevated the day with his inspiring vision. His visionary leadership has played a key role in creating a sustainable framework in El Salvador. During his intervention, Oviedo emphasized the importance of an integrated approach to address environmental challenges, where journalism plays a vital role in transmitting accurate and in-depth information to society.

Insights and enriching dialogues

One of the highlights of the event was the forum in which experts and communicators discussed the challenges and opportunities for environmental journalism in the region. Jorge Oviedo, in his capacity as President of RedLAC, shared his experience in building bridges between conservation and communication, highlighting the importance of strong narratives to mobilize action and change.

The panels included the participation of leaders such as Jaime Tovar of Catholic Relief Service, Fabián Carvallo of REMPA, and Katiana Murillo, Director of the Climate Change Communication Network for Latin America, LatinClima. These experts underscored the need for effective communication to drive sustainable policies and concrete actions.

Raising awareness through journalism.

The event also explored the transformative role of journalism in promoting environmental conservation. Adriana González, a leading Salvadoran journalist, shared her expertise in the art of telling stories that inspire change. González highlighted how journalism can transcend the barriers of conventional reporting and connect emotionally with audiences to catalyze action, which has been her experience from Proyecto Lava, stories of people proposing solutions to today's challenges.

The climate change narrative

Katiana Murillo, Director of the Climate Change Communication Network for Latin America, LatinClima, presented a keynote speech on the critical agenda of climate change in the media. Murillo highlighted the imperative of reporting in depth and accurately on this planetary challenge, urging communicators to assume the role of agents of change through their work.

Culmination and call to action

The day climaxed with a series of interactive sessions focused on strengthening journalism skills and the use of digital tools for environmental coverage.

The 1st Congress and 5th Workshop on Environmental Journalism has established a benchmark, a call for collaboration and a beacon for bold and transformative journalism for a sustainable future. In the words of Jorge Oviedo, "Our commitment to the Earth is unwavering and together we can influence the direction of our story".

Alexander Portillo
RedLAC Communications Coordinator

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