Strengthening San Rafael: Moving Toward a Sustainable Future in Nueva Esperanza with Support from the Tropical Forest Conservation Fund

Building Fertilizer Mats and Transforming Landscapes: A Steady Step Toward Sustainability

San Rafael, In a firm commitment to strengthening and developing the community of San Rafael, the team of the Center for Interdisciplinary Rural Studies (CERI), in collaboration with the Tropical Forest Conservation Fund, has taken a significant step towards environmental sustainability and the promotion of environmentally friendly agricultural practices. During a visit to the Nueva Esperanza community, a series of actions were carried out to promote reforestation and the responsible use of natural resources.

Following an agenda full of progressive initiatives, visits were made to 13 farms in the community of Nueva Esperanza. One of the most important actions was the tireless work in the construction of compost bins, a technique that makes the best use of organic waste from the farms, thus contributing to a more efficient management of resources and soil enrichment. The company also began digging pits for the proper disposal of inorganic waste, a practice that not only contributes to waste classification but also significantly improves the landscape of the farms.

But the commitment does not stop there. In keeping with respect for local biodiversity, a total of 370 native fruit seedlings were delivered, a vital contribution to both the fauna and flora of the surrounding ecosystem. In addition, agroecological hydrogel and repellents were provided to combat the "ysau" and "akeke" leafcutter ants in the Tava Porã Community. These measures clearly demonstrate the comprehensive and conscious approach of the CERI team and the Rainforest Conservation Fund towards the promotion of agriculture in harmony with nature.

Another important milestone was reached in the 1ro de Marzo community, where the Finca Modelo sign stands proudly. This exemplary model of sustainability includes forestry systems, agroecological production, green fertilizers, soil management techniques and exemplary protection of water sources and watercourses. This Model Farm not only serves as a source of inspiration for the community, but also becomes a valuable guide for all beneficiaries, providing them with the necessary tools to implement responsible practices on their own farms.

In addition to these outstanding actions, corn was classified for seed, particularly the "Sape pytã" variety, a crucial step towards the conservation and promotion of local seeds, which are fundamental for food security and the preservation of the region's agricultural identity.

It is worth noting that all of these activities are being carried out within the framework of the Fortaleciendo San Rafael Project, an initiative spearheaded by the Center for Interdisciplinary Rural Studies (CERI) with the invaluable support of the Tropical Forest Conservation Fund. This landmark project clearly demonstrates the transformative capacity of collaboration between communities, organizations and experts committed to a sustainable future.

Alexander Portillo
RedLAC Communications Coordinator

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