The Pacific Foundation: Defending the Marine Treasures of the Eastern Tropical Pacific.

"A regional alliance dedicated to conserving biodiversity and promoting sustainable development in the Eastern Tropical Pacific."

In a world where the oceans face unprecedented challenges, a regional alliance has emerged as a beacon of hope for the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP). The Pacific Foundation, a Panama-registered organization, is committed to protecting the valuable coastal marine resources of this unique and dynamic region.

The Eastern Tropical Pacific encompasses the national waters of Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador, and extends for approximately 2 million square kilometers. It is a treasure trove of biodiversity, home to countless marine species and a crucial migration point for many of them. This vast marine territory, often compared to the African Serengeti, is home to an incredible variety of life, from whales and turtles to corals and seabirds.

However, this paradise faces a number of threats that could jeopardize its existence. Climate change, habitat alteration, coastal water pollution, unsustainable resource extraction and irresponsible tourism practices are undermining the health of marine and coastal ecosystems.

It is in this context that Fundación Pacífico has emerged as a driving force for conservation and sustainable development in the region. Since its establishment in 2017, it has managed to mobilize financial resources and establish strong partnerships with governments, local organizations and international entities.

With a Board of Directors made up of representatives of the four founding Environmental Funds, Fondo Patrimonio Natural of Colombia, Fondo Acción of Colombia, Costa Rica por Siempre and Fundación Natura of Panama, Fundación Pacífico has created a trust to ensure efficiency and transparency in the management of the resources generated. These member funds have extensive experience in fund administration and manage investments of approximately $300 million.

Fundación Pacífico's mission is clear: to ensure the sustainable management of the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Its vision is focused on contributing to the integrated and sustainable management of marine and coastal ecosystems, ensuring their rational use and promoting the economic and social well-being of local communities.

To achieve these goals, the Pacific Foundation has developed strategic lines of action in collaboration with the Marine Corridor of the Eastern Tropical Pacific (CMAR), governments, NGOs and other partners. These include promoting the sustainable management of transboundary marine corridors, collaborating in the effective management of marine protected areas at the regional level, promoting blue economy initiatives, and supporting the strengthening of scientific and technical capacities in the region.

In addition, Fundación Pacífico works closely with local communities, recognizing the importance of their active participation in conservation and sustainable development. Environmental education projects, training in sustainable fishing practices and strengthening of community enterprises based on marine resources have been implemented.

An outstanding example of success is the coral reef restoration project off the coast of Panama, which has succeeded in restoring extensive areas of coral damaged by extreme weather events and human activities. This project has involved local fishermen and scientists in the implementation of innovative reef rehabilitation techniques, demonstrating that conservation and development can go hand in hand.

The Pacific Foundation has also been a key player in promoting sound environmental policies and regulations in the region. It has worked closely with governments to promote the creation and strengthening of marine protected areas, as well as to ensure the implementation of coastal pollution control and mitigation measures.

The Pacific Foundation's commitment to transparency and accountability is evidenced by its constant monitoring and evaluation of the projects and programs implemented. Likewise, an online platform has been established to report and share the progress and results of the initiatives, encouraging the participation and commitment of civil society.

Fundación Pacífico's work has been recognized internationally, and its holistic and collaborative approach has inspired other actors to join the cause. International organizations, private companies and individual donors have joined this initiative, providing additional impetus for conservation and sustainable development in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.

In a world where the preservation of our oceans is more crucial than ever, the Pacific Foundation stands out as a beacon of hope in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Its tireless work to protect and promote the region's coastal marine wealth is a testament to the power of collaboration and commitment.

The Pacific Foundation reminds us that together we can make a difference and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. It is time to protect and preserve the marine treasure of the Eastern Tropical Pacific, because its value is incalculable and its survival depends on all of us!

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