BRIDGE Project: Weaving Solutions for the Future of Conservation.

In a world facing urgent environmental challenges, cross-sector collaboration has become essential. In this context, the BRIDGE Project emerges as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path towards sustainable and financial conservation in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa. In 2022, RedLAC and CAFÉ joined forces to give life to this initiative that promises to change the rules of the game in the world of conservation, thanks to the financial support of the French Global Environment Facility (FFEM) and the MAVA Foundation.

The challenge of Environmental Funds (EFs) in pursuit of sustainability and environmental conservation is at a crucial crossroads. To meet the 2030 action goals, it is imperative to find new sources of funding. The BRIDGE Project sets itself the challenge of transforming EFs, engaging the private sector and unlocking the potential of private resources for conservation.

 The Innovative solution that BRIDGE Project promotes is the Mentoring Programs. At the heart of the BRIDGE Project is the Mentoring Program, a tool that promises to be a catalyst for change. In this program, experienced mentors share their knowledge and backgrounds with environmental fund apprentices, strengthening organizational capacities and nurturing effective practices. This two-way dynamic not only drives operational excellence, but also creates a space for reflection and the exchange of ideas.

The mutual benefits of this program are a win-win path, as they extend in all directions. Mentors, leaders in their field, gain recognition as experts and enrich their professional development with international experiences. In addition, they bring their wisdom to nurture younger EFs and systematize best practices to share with the community.

The details of the program, is to allocate €160 ,000 euros for the mentoring program, supporting 8 selected mentorships. Each mentor will receive €20 ,000 in support, covering staff time, preparation of materials and organization of visits. Key topics include private sector involvement, financial sustainability, fundraising, communication and public relations, and financial mechanisms.

"The path to success is mapped out in two steps. First, mentors must submit their topics of interest, modalities and preferred languages by September 30. Then, detailed proposals, including narratives and budgets, are expected by December 31. The duration of the mentorships ranges from 6 to 12 months, with face-to-face, virtual or hybrid options."

According to Leonardo Garcia, BRIDGE Project coordinator.

The BRIDGE Project demonstrates that solutions are within reach if we come together with determination and focus. By weaving a network of mentees and mentors, this project not only addresses the financial issues in conservation, but also establishes a community of leaders committed to a sustainable future. With these mentorships, the BRIDGE Project paves the way to a world where EFs flourish and conservation is an achievable reality.

If you are part of an Environmental Fund, join and be part of this revolutionary project.

Alexander Portillo
RedLAC Communications Coordinator

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