A Call to Action: Forest Conservation as the Solution to Climate Change.

In commemoration of World Environment Day, the Fundación para la Conservación del Bosque Chiquitano (FCBC), Conservación Amazónica - ACEAA, in collaboration with Piensa Verde Bolivia, organized the event "Future Climate Scenarios for Bolivia's Lowland Forests". Internationally renowned experts gathered to analyze the threats to Bolivia's lush forests, especially those in the Amazon region.

The event, which took place on June 5, attracted more than thirty participants, including representatives from the public sector, academia and environmental institutions, with the participation of experts Natalio Roque from ACEAA, Oswaldo Maillard, head of the Chiquitano Dry Forest Observatory of the FCBC, and Alvaro Salazar, an expert in Ecoclimatology from the University of La Serena (Chile). During the day, three outstanding research studies were presented that shed light on the delicate relationship between forests and climate.

The first study presented compelling evidence on climate anomalies and their impact on forest quality, as well as on the export of one of Bolivia's natural treasures: Brazil nuts. The findings revealed that climatic phenomena such as El Niño are leaving their mark on the Amazon region, endangering the survival of unique species and ecosystems.

In the second presentation, the devastating effect of deforestation on land surface temperature in the Chiquitania region was examined. The alarming results revealed a significant increase in local temperatures due to the massive loss of forested areas. These data undoubtedly raise alarm bells and make an urgent call for action to stop rampant deforestation.

Finally, the third presentation focused on future climate scenarios for Bolivia, specifically in the lowlands. Analyses by experts from the University of La Serena, Chile, revealed a worrying perspective: a sustained increase in temperatures is expected in the coming years. This phenomenon is not simply cyclical, but is closely linked to human activities and the negative impact they have on the environment.

Among the most important conclusions of the event was the urgent need to conserve forests as the most effective tool for combating climate change. The experts emphasized that protecting these vital ecosystems is not only crucial for preserving biodiversity, but also for guaranteeing climate stability in the region and throughout the planet.

As the scientists' warnings resonate, it is our responsibility as a society to act decisively. The challenge is set: will we be willing to take courageous action to ensure the future of our forests, and thus the future of our planet? The choice is ours, and time is short, join Fundación para la Conservación del Bosque Chiquitano (FCBC) and make this a reality, the conservation of our forests!

Editor: Pablo Alexander Portillo
Communications Coordinator of RedLAC

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