Let's join together to take care of our forests!

The Environmental Funds through their partners in the territories are the first line of defense against climate change.

Around the world, Environmental Funds are working hard to restore species-rich ecosystems that sequester carbon and benefit us all. Supporting them should be a priority for anyone concerned about the climate crisis.

When done well, forest restoration can not only maximize carbon sequestration, but can also safeguard biodiversity and create sustainable jobs and opportunities for indigenous peoples and local communities.

To grow real forests, teams on the ground need real support, and we have an unprecedented opportunity to provide that support in every reforestation and ecosystem restoration initiative.

Last November, leaders at the COP27 climate conference in Egypt emerged with a historic agreement aimed at protecting nature. Delegates from 26 countries formed a Forest and Climate Leaders Partnership (FCLP), dedicated to halting and reversing forest loss. The partnership aims to mobilize funds, encourage forest conservation and invest in initiatives led by indigenous peoples and local communities. That strength continued at COP15, where world leaders adopted the historic Global Biodiversity Framework, committing to protect and restore our planet's ecosystems.

Although governments, corporations and other organizations have committed billions of dollars for restoration, it is time that we, you, me, our neighbors, the community, our families commit ourselves to take care of the forests, leave behind the indiscriminate logging, but above all knowing that the welfare of the planet depends on these actions, this is to make a common front to mitigate climate change, let's unite to take care of our forests for a better future!

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