In a momentous event, the regional closing of the Green Development Fund interventions in the Central American Integration System (SICA) region took place. This program, which was financed with more than 30 million euros by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, has had a significant impact on ecosystem restoration and climate action in the region.

The Green Development Fund, within the framework of the International Climate Initiative, has worked closely with SICA countries to restore more than 53,000 hectares of degraded land. These actions have improved the provision of essential ecosystem services, such as carbon sequestration, water regulation and biodiversity protection, in a total of 110,000 hectares of priority territories.

Beyond the environmental impacts, the program has directly benefited more than 7,600 people, providing them with productive inputs and cash payments for their participation in ecosystem restoration activities. It is important to note that 41% of the beneficiaries are women, which is evidence of the inclusion and gender equity in these initiatives.

The countries participating in this successful intervention are Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and the Dominican Republic. Each of them has contributed to the fulfillment of national and regional goals related to climate change, biodiversity and the global Bonn Challenge initiative. These actions are aligned with the United Nations Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, promoting the SICA region's leadership in this important global initiative.

The regional closing of the program was attended by representatives of the Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD), the ministries of environment of the SICA countries, the German Development Cooperation (GIZ), environmental funds and project executors in each country. Also present were representatives of international cooperation and other organizations involved in restoration actions in the region.

During the event, a discussion was held on the construction of a regional financial mechanism, with the participation of three executive directors of Environmental Funds, two of them belonging to the Network of Environmental Funds of Latin America and the Caribbean (RedLAC). Rosa Montañez from Fundación Natura of Panama and Jorge Oviedo, Executive Director of FIAES and President of RedLAC, highlighted the importance of continuing with these regional initiatives and emphasized the role of RedLAC as an attractive platform for private investment in conservation.

The Green Development Fund program has not only generated tangible impacts in the aforementioned territories, but has also strengthened national ecosystem restoration strategies through the technical assistance provided. In addition, it has provided new public policy tools and has strengthened the technical capacity of more than 2,020 people, as well as that of the program's partner institutions and organizations.

One of the program's outstanding achievements is the creation of a knowledge management platform on ecosystem and landscape restoration, located on SICA's digital platform. This platform becomes an invaluable resource for sharing experiences, lessons learned and best practices in environmental restoration.

A seed center for the restoration of forest landscapes has also been implemented, led by the Ministries of Environment and Agriculture of El Salvador. This initiative contributes to guaranteeing the availability of seeds of native species, which are essential for the restoration of ecosystems and the conservation of biodiversity.

During the closing event, representatives from each country presented the achievements, impacts and lessons learned from the interventions developed through the Green Development Fund. In addition, three discussions were held that addressed crucial issues such as monitoring landscape restoration, the construction of a regional financial mechanism, and the opportunities and challenges for achieving sustainable and carbon neutral land use in the region.

At the global level, the program has consolidated the SICA region's leadership in the implementation of the United Nations Decade of Ecosystem Restoration. This has been achieved through the organization of four ministerial conferences of the global initiative "Bonn Challenge", which has allowed the exchange and coordination with high-level representatives from all Latin America and the Caribbean.

The implementation of the Green Development Fund program has been led at the regional level by the German Technical Cooperation for Development (GIZ), in coordination with CCAD, and at the national level by the Ministries of Environment of the eight SICA countries, in collaboration with Environmental Funds and various local institutions and organizations.

This program demonstrates the commitment and effectiveness of regional cooperation and joint work between governments, international organizations and local actors in ecosystem restoration and climate action. The legacy left by the Green Development Fund will live on in the region, generating positive impacts on nature conservation and climate change mitigation, and laying the foundation for a more sustainable and resilient future.

Pablo Alexander Portillo
RedLAC Communications Coordinator

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