Training of brigadistas for post-storm care of reefs in the Guatemalan Caribbean begins

The "Training of Brigades for Post-Storm Reef Care for the Caribbean of Guatemala" is being held March 13-17 in Puerto Barrios, Izabal, Guatemala.

Participants in the training will become the country's first response brigadiers, who will implement the Early Warning and Immediate Response Protocol, which defines the actions to be taken in order to minimize damage to reefs after a cyclone or hurricane.

Nineteen people from Guatemala City and Izabal are participating in the activity. Among them are expert divers, members of the Infantry Brigade (BIM), the Caribbean Naval Command (CONACAR) and environmental science professionals.

During the theoretical part of the course, participants learn how to use the lifting bag. Photo: Juan Carlos Huitrón

The training is being coordinated by MAR Fund's Mesoamerican Reef Rescue Initiative (RRI) with the support of the National Council of Protected Areas (CONAP) as the lead entity of the response capacity in Izabal and the Departmental Government of Izabal, the Coordinating Entity of the Response Committee for reefs in the Caribbean of Guatemala. The Municipality of Puerto Barrios, CONACAR, BIM, and the Foundation for Ecodevelopment and Conservation (FUNDAECO) also supported this effort. This effort has also been made possible by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN).

The training is being led by instructor Juan Carlos Huitrón, who is supported by three other instructors for the development of the course. During the activity, participants will gain theoretical and practical knowledge on how to identify the damage caused to reefs after a storm and the different responses to mitigate the damage. They will also learn how to tie knots, how to strengthen coral fragments with cement and how to use a pneumatic drill.

"Post-storm resilience in the Mesoamerican Reef".

is made possible thanks to the support of the governments of the Region and the

to the joint efforts of local partners and donors".

Participants listen attentively to the instructions to perform the first exercises in the water. Photo: Claudia Ocaña/MAR Fund

For more information contact Claudia Ruiz and Zara Guifarro

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