Transforming crises into opportunities, innovation for the future of water in Latin America and the Caribbean

Amidst the pressing challenges facing Latin America and the Caribbean in relation to access to and enjoyment of water, World Water Week 2023 becomes a beacon of hope. Under the coordination of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and organized annually by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), the Focus on the Americas brings together leaders and innovators to explore bold solutions under the theme "Seeds of Change". This platform stands as an essential space to transform problems into opportunities and shape a sustainable future for all.

One of the great successes of the IDB is to be the precursor of great financial innovations for the water sector, an example of which has been the Latin American Alliance of Water Funds, of which FORAGUA in Ecuador is a member.

"In the context of the Latin American Water Funds Alliance, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has been the key promoter of financial mechanisms that pursue a fundamental objective: to achieve an effective investment of resources, both from the public and private sectors. This investment is oriented towards the conservation and improvement of water resources in the region".

said Francisco Gordillo, Executive Director of Foragua Ecuador.
Listen to Francisco Gordillo's statements.

Water, essential for life, remains an elusive resource for many communities in the region. With more than 2.1 billion people without access to safely managed drinking water services and 4.5 billion without adequate sanitation, it is imperative to find solutions that will revolutionize the current landscape.

World Water Week 2023, coordinated by the IDB, presents itself as the ideal resource in the midst of this crisis. Bringing together visionaries, experts and government leaders, the event focuses on innovation as the engine of change. Seeds of Change" resonates as a call to action, an opportunity to devise and share solutions that transcend current barriers.

Within the event, sessions designed to encourage the adoption of innovative measures take center stage. From the creation of innovation ecosystems to effective governance and equity in services, various topics are explored in search of transforming challenges into opportunities. The presence of Chile's Ministry of Public Works at the talkshow promises to present an innovative approach to overcoming the challenges of climate change, along with the unveiling of tools and mechanisms for impact.

Seminars, true knowledge exchanges, provide diverse perspectives and case studies that inspire new ideas. Showcases immerse participants in immersive experiences, highlighting the tangible impact of innovative water, sanitation and hygiene programs.

A highlight is the presentation of the IDB-FEMSA Award, which recognizes innovative solutions that improve the water and sanitation sector. Since 2009, this award celebrates the commitment and creativity of those who work tirelessly for positive change, and we will be watching for its replication in the region.

In a world where every drop counts and every challenge is an opportunity, World Water Week 2023 stands as a beacon of hope and action. From the adoption of the right to water and sanitation by the UN General Assembly in 2010 to this pivotal event, Latin America and the Caribbean are charting a path towards a radiant and sustainable future. By uniting around the theme "Seeds of Change", we are sowing the foundations of a better tomorrow for all, where water flows as an accessible and essential good, and innovation is the engine that drives our progress. We invite you to be part of this story of transformation and to be a protagonist in creating a future where water is an inalienable right for each of us!

Pablo Alexander Portillo
RedLAC Communications Coordinator

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