The Peruvian private environmental fund, Profonanpe, will be the organizer of the next congress that will bring together 27 delegations from 19 countries in Cusco in 2023.
The city of Cusco, Peru’s cultural capital, will host the XXV International Congress of The Latin American and Caribbean Network of Environmental Funds (RedLAC), composed of 27 delegations from 19 countries, which meet annually to address issues of relevance to the community, in line with global conservation objectives. Through conferences, panels and workshops, the environmental funds will participate in discussions on innovation and opportunities in the world of conservation, and will also present the initiatives they are leading in their countries for sustainable environmental development.
Profonanpe, as the only private environmental fund in Peru, has been chosen as the organizer of this congress for 2023, which is expected to bring together more than 150 representatives and experts to continue strengthening capacities and knowledge management in favor of the conservation of the planet’s biological diversity. Cusco, home to several protected natural areas of great global relevance, including the Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary and the Manu National Park, will be the ideal place to discuss the most important aspects of the management and sustainable management of these areas in Latin America and the Caribbean, taking as a starting point Profonanpe’s experience in channeling and managing financial resources that have enabled close work with Sernanp.

To this end, Profonanpe will make available all the information and experiences accumulated during its 30 years of successful institutional management, which have enabled it to obtain accreditation from the Green Climate Fund and Adaptation Fund, two of the most important environmental funds in the world.
Likewise, the XXV RedLAC Congress will be a space to continue the discussion initiated in Quito in 2022, with a view to an environmental agenda towards 2030 and the new management challenges in the midst of different social and political changes in the region, a food crisis on the doorstep and a climate change that is becoming more imminent every day.
More details of this annual congress, which is expected to continue to bring together the leading environmental funds in the development of financial mechanisms that generate measurable impacts on a local, regional and global scale, will be announced soon.