Project Entitled “Enhancing Access for Climate Finance Opportunities, through pre-accreditation support to Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF) and Ministry of Economic Development and technical support for Belize National Protected Areas System (BNPAS) Entities, Belize”.
As part of this project PACT is engaging with relevant stakeholders for a Climate Change Needs Assessment of the National Protected Areas System. This assessment will guide PACT’s climate Finance Work and its Conservation Investment Strategy in supporting programs targeting climate adaptation and mitigation actions within protected areas.
Representatives from 23 organizations gathered at the Dream Valley Resort on Wednesday, March 8th, in Teakettle Village. There they were introduced to the climate need assesment methodology and shared their perspective on climate change adaptation and mitigation.
PACT is dedicated to fostering collaboration among conservation stakeholders and exploring informed, data-driven solutions while expanding Climate Finance opportunities in Belize. Through our collective effort we can achieve a sustainable and productive Belizean Environment that benefits all.
PACT – Your Partner in Protection