CBF Launches CBF BEACH Biodiversity Excellence Awards to Honor Outstanding Contributions to Conservation and Sustainable Development in the Caribbean.
Join us in recognizing outstanding individuals and organizations promoting biodiversity conservation in the Caribbean. Nominate those who are making a difference and let us honor their dedication to preserving our natural resources.
The Caribbean Biodiversity Fund (CBF) is proud to announce the launch of the CBF Biodiversity Excellence Awards in the Caribbean (CBF BEACH), honoring individuals and organizations for their exceptional contributions to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in the region.
Named in honor of Ms. Eleanor Garraway-Phillips and Dr. Jens Mackensen, two distinguished founding members of the board, the BEACH Awards celebrate their legacy. Recognizing leadership, innovation, and dedication to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development, the BEACH Awards inspire others to follow in their footsteps. Through specific thematic areas and strategic partnerships, the awards foster collaboration and expand the reach of the CBF.
Presented every two years starting in 2023, the BEACH Awards showcase remarkable achievements, amplifying the impact of the winners. Join us in honoring these conservation heroes, promoting International Day for Biological Diversity, and protecting the rich biodiversity of the Caribbean. Together, let’s celebrate and preserve our natural treasures!
Nominees must actively contribute in the focus areas and have a proven track record of implementing projects or initiatives in the Caribbean region.
Nominees will be evaluated by a panel of judges comprising representatives from the CBF board, CBF partners, and experts in the fields of biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, and climate change. The judges will select one individual and one organization as the winners of the 2023 CBF BEACH Awards.
The Caribbean takes pride in its rich biodiversity and its importance for the ecological balance of the planet. The CBF BEACH Awards provide an opportunity to highlight and celebrate those who tirelessly work to protect and preserve this precious natural heritage. By honoring these conservation heroes, we are strengthening awareness about the importance of biodiversity and encouraging others to join in this vital effort.
To make a nomination or learn more details about the CBF BEACH Awards, please visit our official website. Together, we can make a difference and ensure a sustainable future for the Caribbean and its valuable ecosystems. Join us and celebrate the conservation heroes of the Caribbean!
For more information and to submit nominations for the CBF BEACH Awards, please visit https://caribbeanbiodiversityfund.org/2023-cbf-beach-awards/
Together, let us recognize and applaud those who are leading the way in biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in the Caribbean. Let us unite in preserving our natural wonders and securing a thriving future for the region.
Time Line:
- Nomination Deadline: Thursday, June 22, 2023.
- Launch of the CBF BEACH Awards, May 22, 2023
- Compliance and preliminary selection, June 29, 2023
- Final selection, July 13, 2023
- Notification to awardees, July 17, 2023
- Award ceremony, July 28, 2023

Coordinador de Comunicaciones de RedLAC